Waterpik Recalls Toothbrushes Over Potential Burn Hazard

Waterpik is remembering almost 4,000 units of its Sonic-Fusion flossing toothbrush in the middle of records that the toothbrush's billing base could overheat, cause a fire, as well as shock the user or melt. To get an item return kit, customers are asked to call Waterpik at 1-800-674-7718. The 3,800 bothersome Sonic-Fusion items were dispersed throughout the USA as well as Canada between June 2017 as well as June 2018, the firm announced on Friday. Distribution was limited to specialist instructors, exhibition customers, as well as some direct online sales. The influenced systems consist of the SF-01 and also SF-02 designs, with serial/lot numbers SF01 17 06 01 with SF01 18 06 28 as well as SF02 17 06 01 via SF01 18 06 28, inning accordance with Waterpik. Consumers can find their item's serial/lot number by looking on all-time low of the item's base." Consumers that have the affected units need to quit using them, immediately unplug the unit, as well as return t...